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Minted NFT Tracker

Description - Track minted NFT: store minted receipts of the NFT into off-chain db - Backend exposes simple GET endpoint to retrieve all minted NFTs Preview ** in case the video doesn't play, click HERE Tech Stack Solidity, Truffle, Ethereum, Typescript, Nodejs, NoSQL Architecture - Synchronous Pattern - Asynchronous Pattern

Election App (Decentralised App)

Description - Election app to vote for either "Candidate1" or "Candidate2" - use Vanilla JS (frontend) to communicate with Election contract (Ethereum Smart Contract as backend) Preview Tech Stack JS, Truffle, Solidity Architecture - frontend: JS - backend: Ethereum Smart Contract (on Rinkeby testnet) MVP Election DApp (frontend) 👉🏼 HERE   (⚠️ Please be sure to use Ethereum-compatible browser or browser extension like Metamask & switch to Rinkeby Testnet) Election Contract on Ethereum Rinkeby (backend) 👉🏼 HERE

Ticket Management (WebApp)

Description - create & remove shared and personal tickets. Only admin role are authorised to remove shared tickets - admin role is authorised also to set another user as admin - use Cloud Functions & Firestore DB rules for validation Preview Tech Stack Firebase Admin, Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, Angular Architecture - frontend: Angular - backend: Firebase - database: Cloud Firestore Source Code Check it out 👉🏼 HERE

Password Management (WebApp)

Description - simple password management app: add, edit, delete. - use backend API (NodeJS) & frontend client (Angular). - use JWT for secure authentication & authorisation. Preview Architecture - frontend: Angular - backend: REST API (NodeJS) - database: MongoDB Tech Stack Angular, NodeJS, JWT, RESTful API, MongoDB, NoSQL, Bootstrap Source Code & Documentation Frontend code 👉🏼 HERE Backend API Doc 👉🏼 HERE

Expense Claim Management (WebApp)

Description - use Google Auth service to enable sign-in / sign-out with Google account. - enable user to submit expenses claim to the platform, filter claim items, etc.  - export claims data (to .csv) Preview Register & Sign-in   Dashboard & Submit Claims Export to CSV Architecture - frontend: Angular - backend: Firebase - database: Firebase Realtime DB Tech Stack Firebase Auth, Firebase Realtime DB, Angular, ReactiveX, Bootstrap MVP Check it out 👉🏼 HERE

Google Drive Easy Upload (WebApp)

Description - use Google Auth service to enable sign-in / sign-out with Google account. - use Google Drive API to enable easy-upload files to selected Google Drive account. - other features: show list of files, create folders, show drive information of the account. Preview Architecture - frontend: Angular Tech Stack Google API, Google Auth, Bootstrap, Angular, ReactiveX, Firebase MVP Check it out 👉🏼  HERE